
Content Marketing Quick Tips

Marketing Terms to Know

1. A/B Testing
2. Analytics
3. Application Programming Interface (API)
4. B2B (Business-to-Business)
5. B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
6. Blogging
7. Business Blogging

1. A/B Testing-

This is the process of comparing two variations of a single variable to determine which performs best in order to help improve marketing efforts. This is often done in email marketing calls-to-action and landing pages.

2. Analytics-

What I sometimes refer to as the “eyes” of inbound marketing, analytics is essentially the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. When referred to in the context of marketing, it’s looking at the data of one’s initiatives, analyzing the trends, and developing actionable insights to make better-informed marketing decisions.

3. Application Programming Interface (API)-

APIs are a series of rules in computer programming, which allow an application to extract information from service and use that information either in their own application or in data analyses. It’s kind of like a phone for applications to have conversations — an API literally “calls” one application and gets information to bring to you to use in your software. APIs facilitate the data needed to provide solutions to customer problems.

4. B2B (Business-to-Business)-

An adjective used to describe companies that sell to other businesses. For example, Google and Oracle are primarily B2B companies. Business-to-business is a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when: A business is sourcing materials for its production process for output. Example- Providing raw material to the other company that will produce output.

5. B2C (Business-to-Consumer)-

Business to consumer (B2C) refers to the transactions conducted directly between a company and consumers who are the end-users of its products or service While most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies, the term became immensely popular during the dotcom boom of the late 1990s, when it was used mainly to refer to online retailers, as well as other companies that sold products and services to consumers through the internet’s.

6. Blogging  

Blogging is popular because it works as a marketing tool and makes money. But blogging isn’t all rainbows and unicorns in the world of online income. Businesses saw a good way to improve the customer’s level of satisfaction. Through blogging, companies keep clients and customers up to date. The more people visit your blog, the more exposure and trust your brand gets.

Personal and niche bloggers, saw the potential to reach to more people interested in specific topics. Through a blog, visitors can comment and interact with you or your brand which helps you create a network of loyal followers.

7. Business Blogging-

The simple fact is that your blog can be one of the most important marketing channels you have at your fingertips. The most successful brands use their blogs to drive traffic, increase conversions and build authority, all crucial to the success of a brand. Whether your business blog is brand new or you’ve been running it a few years, it’s never too late to start stepping up your content to really drive traffic, increase conversions and build authority.

Avoid these deadly sins and you’ll see increased success from your business blog over the long run.
The main thing is to get started and to hone your skills along the way.